A DUI is probably way more expensive that you might think. You’ve got court fines, license reinstatement fees, the cost of a lawyer and insurance increases, and that’s not all. In some states, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle depending on the factors involved in your DUI arrest […]
GPS Tracking of DUI Offenders In Minnesota Declared Illegal
If you’ve been following our blog over the past few months, you’ve probably read the stories about the GPS tracking that was available on the newer ignition interlock devices. If you’re unfamiliar with the story, it all began last year when the Minnesota Department of Public Safety announced that DUI offenders needed to get an […]
Ignition Interlocks Stopped 350,000 Drunk Drivers Last Year
New data from the advocacy group Mothers Against Drunk Driving suggests that ignition interlock devices prevented nearly 350,000 instances of drunk driving in the last year, and more than 2.3 millions instances over the past decade. If you are familiar with ignition interlock devices, you know that a driver must blow into the device in […]
Class Action Lawsuit Filed Over Ignition Interlock GPS Tracking
A group of lawyers filed a class-action lawsuit yesterday on behalf of a number of individuals who say they weren’t told that the ignition interlock devices they were required to install had GPS tracking capabilities. As part of a condition from their DUI, offenders were required by law to install an ignition interlock device in their […]
Ignition Interlock Devices Reduce Fatal Car Crashes
All 50 states in the U.S. have had some form of ignition interlock law on the books since at least 1993, and new research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine suggests they’ve helped save countless lives. According to AJPM, mandatory laws that require every person convicted of a DUI to use an interlock […]