If you end up in a situation where you find yourself facing charges of prostitution or soliciting sexual favors in the Maple Grove area, you’re going to want to make sure your first call is to Avery Appelman and the lawyers at Appelman Law Firm. Both prostitution and solicitation charges are serious offenses that can affect your life in many ways, so trust your case to the reliable lawyers at Appelman Law Firm.
Prostitution Lawyer in Maple Grove, MN
Avery Appelman and the team of attorneys at Appelman Law have helped hundreds of clients on both sides of the fence when it comes to sex crimes in Maple Grove and the surrounding areas. Avery has personally challenged cases in Maple Grove, Corcoran, New Hope, Plymouth, Medina, Greenfield, Rogers and in Brooklyn Park, as well as in Hennepin County, Wright County, Meeker County, Carver County and in Dakota County. If you’ve been charged with solicitation or prostitution in any of these areas, reach out to the experienced lawyers at Appelman Law Firm today.
Maple Grove Sex Crime Attorney
Prostitution crimes are more common than you might think, especially now that the Internet has made it easier for individuals and their clients to make arrangements. However, the Internet has also made it easy for police officers to act as an escort or as an interested client and bait perpetrators into a trap. There are a number of ways to challenge a prostitution or solicitation charge if you got caught in a sting, but you’ll need a lawyer’s help to build your case and attack the state’s case from the right angle. Prostitution or solicitation charges can cost you your job, your family and have significant implications in the future, so don’t just plead guilty and try to sweep it under the rug. You deserve the best legal defense to fight these serious charges, and Avery knows he can be the one to provide you with it.
Sex Crimes Resources in Maple Grove
We want to provide you with some resources to help you in the event that you or a loved one has been charged with a sex crime in Maple Grove or in Hennepin County. Below, you’ll find some city and county resources that can help if you’ve been charged with a crime.
- Prostitution Defenses in Minnesota
- City of Maple Grove Government Website
- City of Maple Grove Police Department
- Hennepin County Government Website
- Hennepin County Jail Inmate Search
- Hennepin County District Court
Contact a Maple Grove Defense Lawyer
So if you live in Maple Grove or in a nearby city, make it a point to reach out to Avery Appelman and the team at Appelman Law Firm if you are facing criminal charges. To help get your case off to the best possible start, we offer a free strategy session where we examine the charges you are facing and explain how we might build a case to challenge the charges. You can set that up by clicking here, or you can do so by calling us at (952) 224-2277. We are located at:
8700 W 36th Street, Suite 125
St. Louis Park, MN 55426