Sexual harassment is a very serious charge, and because of this, some people might not be pleased that we are penning a blog on how to put up a defense against a sexual harassment claim. Remember, in America a person is considered innocent until proven guilty, and there are plenty of people that are falsely accused of sexual harassment every day. We’re not here to judge, we’re here to ensure every person gets their fair shake in court.
With that in mind, here are some tips for how to deal with the fallout and how to develop a defense if you’ve been charged with sexual harassment.
Steps To Take If Facing Sexual Harassment Charges
While every case is different, here’s a look at some of the things you’ll likely want to do if you’ve been charged with sexual harassment.
1. Cease All Contact With The Victim – Absolutely nothing good can come out of reaching out to the alleged victim in these cases. You’re not going to be able to explain away your actions or get them to drop the charges, it will only serve to hurt your case. Lose all forms of contact with the alleged victim. We repeat. Do not try to explain anything to them or reach out for any reason at all. No good will come of this. Do not do it.
2. Lawyer Up – Sexual harassment charges are very serious, and along with the potential for jail time, a conviction can greatly affect your personal life, your family life and your career. It’s best to hire a professional to assist with defense development and arguing your case before a judge or jury.
3. Let The Lawyer Handle Plea Deal Talks – It’s important to remember that coming to the table to talk about a plea deal is not an indication of guilt. Sometimes you simply need to learn what the other side is hoping to get out of the case. You may not like the possible terms of a deal, but oftentimes a plea agreement can help you avoid a worst case scenario. Let your lawyer talk with the prosecution about the possibility of making a mutual deal, or at least learn more about the other side’s interests and hopes for the case, as it certainly can’t hurt your case.
4. Consider Character Witnesses – If there are people in your life that would speak about your character, get these names and contact information to your lawyer. At the end of the day, the facts of the case will go farther than character testimony from friends or family, but it can help paint you in a better light, which may help with the case or in the event that you are convicted and sentenced.
5. Stay Out Of Trouble – Finally, while your case is playing out, it’s imperative that you stay out of additional trouble. Don’t go looking for trouble. Heck, don’t let trouble find you. Keep your head down and walk the line. Getting in more trouble may send the wrong message to the judge and jury.
If you can follow these tips and trust your defense to a team like Appelman Law Firm, we’re confident that you’ll be able to avoid a nightmare scenario. For more information, reach out to our team today at (952) 224-2277.