If you screwed up and ended up being arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence, you’re probably worried about how you’ll be able to get around if you lose your driving privileges. A DUI can impact your ability to drive, but if you’re willing to meet some demands set forth by the state, you […]
Sober Driver Taking Breathalyzer Kills Woman
A car accident in Texas may change the way breathalyzers function after a sober driver hit and killed a woman in Texas. 18-year-old Alexis Butler was killed earlier this month as she backed her car out of her driveway when she was struck on the passenger side of her vehicle by a pickup truck. The […]
Judge Orders Halt Of GPS Tracking Ignition Interlock Devices
A Hennepin County judge has issued a temporary stop to the installation of ignition interlock devices with GPS tracking capabilities on vehicles of offenders convicted of a DUI. We’ve been chronicling this story over the last few weeks, and it’s not surprising that we’ve reached this point. The Minnesota Department of Public Service announced earlier […]
Are Ignition Interlock Devices Successful At Preventing DUIs?
An ignition interlock device is a tool that prevents an individual from getting behind the wheel of their car if they have been drinking. Some states require all convicted drunk drivers to install these devices, while others only require repeat offenders to install the systems. In Minnesota, we require three-time offenders and anyone with a […]
Could Drunk Driver-Proof Cars Soon Hit The Road?
If the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gets their way, drunk driving could soon become a thing of the past thanks to technological vehicle enhancements. The NHTSA has been working with auto manufacturers since 2008 to develop the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety, also known as the DADSS Project. Similar to an ignition interlock […]