Even if you’ve never had a DWI in your life, you probably have a basic understanding of Minnesota’s ignition interlock program. Essentially, an ignition interlock is a device that requires the user to provide a valid breath sample before a car’s ignition will start. This breath test ensures that the driver does not drive with […]
First DUI – Will I Need An Ignition Interlock In Minnesota?
Nobody wants to have to blow into an ignition interlock device every time they want to start their vehicle, but that’s the reality for thousands of Minnesotans across the state each day. These ignition interlock devices help to keep our roads safe in the wake of a DUI, and one common question we get from […]
Minnesota Ignition Interlock Violation Penalties
If you are convicted of drunk driving, one of the stipulations that you may need to abide by if you want to continue driving is to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. As we’ve talked about on the blog in the past, an ignition interlock device reads a person’s blood alcohol content when […]
Will I Need An Ignition Interlock Device After My First DUI?
More than 20,000 individuals are arrested for drunk driving each year in Minnesota, and for many of those offenders, it is there first time being arrested and charged with drunk driving. It’s good that they aren’t habitual drunk drivers, but first-time offenders often have many questions about what to expect with their case. One of […]
Can I Get Help Paying For My Ignition Interlock Device?
A DUI is a costly mistake, and while the fines and court fees may get most of the attention, their are plenty of hidden costs associated with a drunk driving charge. We’ve discussed how your car insurance premiums can skyrocket after a drunk driving conviction, but another car-related cost can also come as a surprise […]