This is a guest blog courtesy of the accident lawyer experts at Most people believe DUI convictions are straightforward – you get pulled over, blow above the legal limit, and automatically spend the night in jail while hunting down some expert DWI lawyers or DUI accident attorneys. But, they’re not always that simple. There […]
[Podcast] – DWI Basics
Minnesota Defense Attorney, Avery Appelman, recently recorded the first of many Appelman Law Firm podcasts. This podcast focuses on the basics of DWI charges in MN. Topics covered include: The difference between DWI & DUI Physical Control BAC testing & the implied consent law What to Do if pulled over for DWI What NOT to […]
[Video] – DWI Do’s
Back in June we premiered our first video – “DWI Don’ts” – an entertaining look at what not to do if pulled over for DUI. Now we bring you the sequel, “DWI Do’s.” This is a companion video that explains how to act and what to say if pulled over for drunk driving. Watch it […]
BAC and the Human Metabolism
There are countless myths and misconceptions about ways to sober up fast. Many believe these myths and end up with DWI charges as a result. This article will debunk those myths by providing scientific explanations for alcohol’s effect on Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) and the human metabolism. Metabolism is the process by which the body […]
December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has designated December as National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month (aka 3D month). The holidays are celebratory times. Unfortunately celebration in excess often leads to drunk-driving related accidents. According to the CDC, 36 people die and 700 are injured each day in the United States as […]