While many people may have thrown a pillow across the room after Joe Webb continued to fire passes into the dirt during the playoff loss to the Packers, a new study shows that some people may be more likely to take their rage out on their partner after a disappointing loss. A report in the […]
How to Job Hunt with a Criminal Record
In 2010, 73 percent of human resources professionals said their company conducted a criminal background check during the hiring process, and that number has likely increased over the past few years as more information is becoming digitized.
Minneapolis Violent Crime at Second-Lowest Rate Since 1983
Despite a minor increase from last year, violent crime in Minneapolis in 2012 was at its second-lowest rate since 1983, according to the annual crime statistics report. The record low was set in 2011, and police credit an increased focus on youth education and a continued effort to remove handguns from the street as main […]
St. Paul Plans to Enforce Stricter Gun Laws
The city of St. Paul has taken a step towards cracking down on high-capacity magazines and military-style assault weapons in the wake of the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut that claimed the lives of 26 children and adults.
Minnesota DNA Evidence Goes Uncollected
A recent examination of Minnesota records revealed that 85 felons did not submit a required DNA sample in 2010. Ramsey County Attorney John Choi asked Richard Dusterhoft to re-examine case files after it was brought to his attention that some DNA samples weren’t collected. Dusterhoft, who works in the criminal division, said he was alarmed by what […]