Officers in Fillmore County believe they finally have the situation sorted out after they say a woman switched places with her twin sister after striking an Amish buggy in September, killing two children and injuring two others.
Although neither of the twin sisters have been officially taken into custody, criminal charges were filed in Fillmore County District Court earlier this week. Investigators say that it was actually Samantha Jo Peterson who was behind the wheel when a 2005 Toyota 4Runner SUV struck a horse drawn buggy on Road 1 near Racine. Wilma Miller, 7, and Irma Miller, 11, were killed in the crash, while two other siblings were injured. After the accident, another woman arrived on scene and told police she was driving, but witnesses on the scene say that the driver that got out of the vehicle after the accident was wearing a Hy-Vee shirt. Police allege the second woman that showed up was Sarah Peterson, the twin sister of Samantha Peterson.
Charging documents state that both sisters work at a local Hy-Vee and Samantha Peterson admitted to a human resources member that she “just killed two Amish people” while high on meth. When the human resources individual was asked why Sarah would take the fall for Samantha, the employee said that it was likely because Samantha took care of Sarah’s children while she was in prison and the twin may feel the need to return the favor.
Officially Charged
After cellphone records, blood tests and an advanced crash report were compiled, police had enough evidence to officially charge Samantha Peterson with 21 criminal counts, including eight felony counts of criminal vehicular homicide and eight counts of criminal vehicular operation. Her twin sister didn’t fare much better, as Sarah Peterson was charged with 16 felony counts, including felony charges related to aiding an offender and taking responsibility for criminal acts.
The charging documents show that Samantha Peterson performed a few ill-advised web searches on her cellphone after the accident. Police allege that she searched the following phrases after the accident:
“What happens if you get in an accident with an Amish buggy and kill two people.”
“How to lock an iphone cope have.”
“If you hit a buggy and kill two people are you going to prison?”
This isn’t the first time that we’ve read about a strange criminal case involving sisters. Not long ago, we posted a story of a pair of sisters who earned DUI charges after one sister drove drunk to pick up her sister from jail after she was arrested for DUI! Hopefully you don’t end up in a similar situation, but if you find yourself in need of criminal defense in the greater Twin Cities area, reach out to Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm today at (952) 224-2277.