Even if you’ve never had a DWI in your life, you probably have a basic understanding of Minnesota’s ignition interlock program. Essentially, an ignition interlock is a device that requires the user to provide a valid breath sample before a car’s ignition will start. This breath test ensures that the driver does not drive with […]
First DUI – Will I Need An Ignition Interlock In Minnesota?
Nobody wants to have to blow into an ignition interlock device every time they want to start their vehicle, but that’s the reality for thousands of Minnesotans across the state each day. These ignition interlock devices help to keep our roads safe in the wake of a DUI, and one common question we get from […]
How To Keep Driving After A DUI In Minnesota
If you screwed up and ended up being arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence, you’re probably worried about how you’ll be able to get around if you lose your driving privileges. A DUI can impact your ability to drive, but if you’re willing to meet some demands set forth by the state, you […]
Minnesota DUI Offenders May Be Able To Avoid Whiskey Plates
As we’ve profiled on the blog in the past, some DWI offenders in Minnesota have been required to get what are commonly referred to as “Whiskey Plates” after their conviction. Whiskey plates are specialized license plates that begin with the letter W and are available to drivers who have had their plates impounded following a […]
Minnesota Ignition Interlock Laws
If you’ve been arrested for an alcohol-related driving violation, there’s a chance that you may have the option to pursue an ignition interlock device in order to maintain your driving privileges. Below, we take a closer look at the eligibility requirements for an ignition interlock device in Minnesota, and when they are available after a […]