If you are pulled over and police suspect that you may be under the influence of alcohol, they may eventually ask you to submit bodily evidence to either confirm their suspicions or clear you of operating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This is commonly done with a breathalyzer, which as we’ve talked […]
5 Ways Breath And Blood Tests Can Be Contaminated After A DUI
One of the biggest pieces of evidence used against a defendant in a DUI-related matter is the blood or breath test evidence that supports that they were in fact over the limit at the time of the arrest. If you have submitted to a blood or breath test and the evidence suggests you were legally […]
The Differences Between Blood and Urine Tests
If you are suspected of driving under the influence, police will likely take you into custody and try to find ways to strengthen their case against you. One way they do this is with a breathalyzer, which measures the alcohol concentration in a person’s system by analyzing their breath. However, these aren’t always that reliable, […]