If you have been arrested and charged with driving under the influence, you’re probably wondering what you should do in the aftermath that makes the most financial sense. Lawyers are expensive, but as you’ll find out if you are convicted, so too are DUI charges, so how much does a good DWI lawyer cost, and should you hire one following your arrest? We explain how much a lawyer costs and why you should consider one following a DUI arrest in Minnesota.
How Much Does A DUI Lawyer Cost
Before we get into the cost of a DUI lawyer, it’s important to understand what types of expenses you’re facing in the event that you end up convicted of a DUI. Because when deciding on whether or not to hire an attorney, you can’t just look at it as total expenses, you need to consider how much money you’ll save if the right lawyer gets the charges reduced or dismissed.
With that in mind, some of the expenses you could face following a DUI conviction include:
- Fines
- Court fees
- DMV fees if your license is revoked or cancelled
- Vehicle storage fees if your vehicle is towed and stored
- Costs for substance abuse courses
- Increased automobile insurance rates
Those are just some of the direct costs you’ll face, and that doesn’t even consider the potential for lost income if the DUI costs you your job or you need to take time off work to fight the charge in court or complete community service. In all, it’s not uncommon for the total costs of a DUI to exceed $10,000 in Minnesota.
With that in mind, paying for an attorney who can help you avoid a worst case scenario can easily pay for their services and then some. And while there is no set price for a DUI lawyer, the national average runs between $1,500 and $3,000. It’s also worth noting that a lawyer typically costs less if you are facing a misdemeanor DUI charge instead of a felony DUI charge.
We can’t stress enough how important it is to evaluate the cost of a lawyer against the expenses you’ll incur if you are convicted. A lawyer can typically avoid a worse case scenario, so even if you are convicted, the fines may be less or you may be able to save hundreds by avoiding a driver’s license revocation. It’s very rare for a person to end up worse off financially because they hired a lawyer and lost their case. In most instances, a lawyer can significantly help reduce expenses or beat the charges outright, saving you thousands of dollars.
To help you understand all of this, we offer free case strategy sessions where you can sit down with a lawyer, go over the basics of your case and talk about the financial side of things so that you can make an informed decision. For more information, or to set up one of those consultations, give our team a call today at (952) 224-2277 and ask about our case review sessions.