The holidays are upon us, which means you’re probably racing around buying last minute gifts and and stuffing those stockings. It also means we’re getting more calls about certain crimes. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at some crimes that tend to spike during the holiday season, and we explain why these crimes tend to be more common this time of year.
Crimes That Spike During The Holidays
Here’s a look at four crimes that tend to surge during the holidays.
1. Drunk Driving – We always tend to get a few more calls from drivers who have been charged with drunk driving over the holidays. Many people have a little more time off from work, and they may choose to spend this time with some holiday spirits. Others spend the holidays catching up with family and friends, but if you do this with a cocktail in hand, you need to be smart about getting behind the wheel. Don’t drive if you’ve been drinking this holiday season, but if you make a mistake, give us a call at (952) 224-2277. We answer our phones 24 hours a day so we can help secure your release whenever you call.
2. Car Theft – Car thefts tend to peak during the winter because people are more likely to leave their car running and unattended while they let it warm up a bit. However, if you leave you car idling, it’s a perfect target for car thieves. Not only that, it’s actually illegal to leave your car unattended and idling in Minnesota, so avoid a ticket and a bigger hassle this winter by not leaving your running car unattended.
3. Identity Theft – The holidays are also a busy time for identity thieves. People are buying countless items online and in stores, and all it takes is a computer virus or a credit card skimmer to have your personal information stolen. Credit card companies and banks are getting better at preventing against fraud, but keep your credit cards close this holiday season and only use trusted websites when shopping online.
4. Shoplifting – The final crime on the list that increases during the winter is shoplifting. Every year we get an uptick in calls from people who have been arrested for shoplifting at the Mall of America or another mall in the area. Many stores are busy this time of year, and winter jackets make it easy to conceal small items, so many shoplifters think now is the best time to pull their heist. Don’t cave to peer pressure or think you’ll get away with it, because loss prevention officers and mall security officers are watching, and cameras are everywhere these days.