If you end up being arrested and charged with driving under the influence, you might feel like it is the end of the world. Trust us, it’s not. Now, we’re not trying to minimize your actions, but it’s important to know that you can make tangible steps to improve your life and put the mistake in the past. Considering that 1 in 7 people in Minnesota have a DUI on their record, odds are there are plenty of people you run into every day who have had a previous DUI, and their lives aren’t ruined.
Bouncing back after a DUI is about taking responsibility for yourself and committing to improving your situation. By taking responsibility, we don’t mean you need to plead guilty and ask the judge for forgiveness, we mean that you need to do whatever is in your best interests to help improve your situation. The vast majority of the time that involves hiring a defense lawyer who can look at your case and walk you through your options. One of Avery’s primary client bases is DUI offenders, and he has helped all of them bounce back and get to a healthy place in life. Here’s a little more information on how he does that.
Bouncing Back After A DUI
The main focus of the criminal justice system is not punishment, but rather reform. A punishment in the form of a fine, jail time or suspended privileges usually accompanies a reformation plan, but the ultimate goal is that the person understands the gravity of their situation and makes better decisions in the future to avoid the same mistakes that landed them in handcuffs the first time. So how can you best do that after a DUI?
- Listen To Your Lawyer – This is the best advice we can give. Your lawyer has helped hundreds if not thousands of people navigate the criminal justice system and come out just fine, and they can do the same for you. Even if you think the charges are bogus, listen to your lawyer’s instructions because it will help put you in the best light in the eyes of the court.
- Consider Counseling – Substance abuse or alcohol counseling is a win-win situation after you’ve been arrested for DUI. By taking the class before it is mandated by the court, it suggests that you take the situation seriously and are interested in making positive changes in your life, which will only help to improve your court case. Additionally, counseling can help you better understand the impact or your actions and help you find alternatives to risky behaviors that led to your arrest in the first place.
- Find Positive Influences – Your family may not be happy with you, but remember that they will still love you at the end of the day. Talk to them about your emotions and express remorse for your actions and what it has done to them. Forgiveness from loved ones can help keep you in a positive frame of mind throughout trial. Your lawyer is also in your corner, so don’t be afraid to lean on them for support.
- Reevaluate What’s Important – Finally, take a close look at your hobbies and reevaluate what’s really important in your life. Even if your DUI was an accident or you don’t think you have a problem with alcohol, take a close look at your life choices and see if you could devote yourself to healthier hobbies. Find other ways to entertain yourself that aren’t dependent on alcohol or other people, and you’ll find that you may be happier and healthier in the wake of a DUI.
For more information about moving on after a DUI, or to talk to a lawyer about your legal options, reach out to Avery Appelman and his team at Appelman Law Firm today.