St. Patrick’s Day is upon us and the NCAA March Madness tournament is underway, which means many people have reason to celebrate tonight with some beer or cocktails. If you’re going to be celebrating the holiday or heading to a bar to watch the games, make sure you have a sober ride home, otherwise your luck could take a turn for the worse in a hurry.
Minnesota police are expected to have an added presence on the roads tonight to help catch drunk drivers during St. Patrick’s Day and through the weekend. Typically more than 300 agencies across the state conduct extra patrols to look for drunk drivers and anyone else performing dangerous driving maneuvers like speeding or texting while driving. Many local bars are having holiday celebrations, and when you add in four straight days of college basketball, plenty of people have reason to raise a glass over the next few days.
Police know this and will be out in added force, so don’t press your luck if you are going out tonight or this weekend. Always ensure you know how you’re getting home before you go out for the night, and never drive if you’ve had too many.
St. Patrick’s Day DWI Arrest
If you or someone you know ends up making a bad decision tonight or later this weekend, make sure that their first call is to an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm answer their phones 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including on holidays and weekends so that you always have access to an attorney in your time of need.
Nobody wants to be arrested over the St. Patrick’s Day holiday, but the fact of the matter is that we’ll likely see a couple hundred DWI arrests over the next four days, and many of these people won’t know where to turn. They may end up hurting their case during the traffic stop or just plead guilty and hope for the best, which rarely works out in their favor.
Instead, put forth an aggressive defense and put yourself in the best position to earn a favorable outcome by hiring a defense attorney who will fight back against the prosecution’s allegations. We can help to minimize the damage, save your license and even help keep you out of jail, so don’t leave it up to chance. If you need help tonight or at any point in the future, give Avery and his team a call at (952) 224-2277.