A neurocriminologist who has spent years studying brain development in criminals believes there exists a biological basis for criminal behavior. Adrian Raine has spent 25 years in the US studying cognitive development, and before that he spent years in Britain attempting to decipher why criminals committed the crimes they did. In 1994, Raine conducted a […]
Criminal Sexual Conduct Part 1: Crimes that will land you on the Sex Offender Registry in Minnesota
Over the last few months, we have seen an influx of questions about the offenses, penalties and potential ramifications of being convicted of a sex crime in Minnesota. We decided to conduct a three-part series to answer some of the most common questions surrounding criminal sexual conduct. In Part 1, we explain what type of crimes […]
U.S. Supreme Court calls Minnesota’s DWI Laws into Question
On April 17th, 2013, the United States Supreme Court delivered an opinion, Missouri v. McNeely, which called into question nearly every aspect of Minnesota’s DWI law. Not only does the ruling in McNeely raise doubts about the constitutionality of our DWI law in its entirety, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor explicitly overturned what has become […]
Findings Highlight Gun Violence Disparity across Racial Groups in Minnesota
According to findings by the Minnesota Public Radio News and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, African-Americans in Minnesota are 12 times more likely to be the victim of a homicide by firearm than Caucasians. The report also found that whites are much more likely to commit suicide with a gun than black […]
Supreme Court Ruling Could Impact Minnesota DUI Procedure
The United States Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that suspicion of driving under the influence is not grounds in and of itself for authorities to draw a blood sample from a suspect without first obtaining a warrant from a judge. The U.S. Supreme Court ruling upheld a previous decision by the Missouri State Supreme Court which […]