There are a few different phone numbers you can call in Minnesota if you want to report a crime or suspicious behavior, and police oftentimes use this information to help keep local communities safe. However, this system can also be abused, as an ex-lover or a road raging motorist could lie about what took place […]
Should I Plead Guilty To DWI?
If you have too much to drink and are pulled over by police, you may eventually find yourself in handcuffs and under arrest for driving while intoxicated. A DWI charge may have you feeling down and depressed, but should you just accept your fate and plead guilty to the crime? We explain why it’s rarely […]
Where Can I Drive On A Limited License After A DUI In Minnesota?
After certain types of DUI convictions, you may be eligible for what’s known as a limited license here in Minnesota. A limited license, also sometimes referred to as a work permit, allows an individual who has been convicted of a DUI to continue driving under strict limitations instead of having their driver’s license completely revoked. […]
Can I Drive My Drunk Friends Home If I’m Sober?
You want to make sure that your friends or family get home safe if the group has been enjoying some adult beverages. We always recommend that everyone knows how they are safely getting home before they start drinking alcohol, but we understand that even the best laid plans go awry. Can you drive your drunk […]
Enhanced Poll Worker Protection Laws In Place This Election Day!
Election day is here, and if you haven’t already voted early or mailed in your absentee ballot, make sure that you go out and vote so that your voice is heard! And if you’re one of the thousands of people who are assisting with the voting process and ensuring everything runs smoothly, take solace in […]
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