A local DWI task force hopes to propose a bill that would make it harder for people convicted of drunk driving to get the charge expunged from their record. “It only takes one to kill someone,” chair of the Minnesota DWI task force David Bernstein said. “Prosecution law enforcement still have access to those DWIs for charging […]
Woman Avoids DUI By Proving Her Stomach Acts Like a Brewery
A New York woman beat a drunk driving charge this week after proving that her stomach works a little differently than most. The woman, who was not named in the case as her lawyer feared the condition could cause her embarrassment at work, showed that she suffers from a rare disorder called “Auto-Brewery Syndrome.” The […]
DUI Poem – ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas
(Below is a DUI poem we created in the spirit of the holiday. As a warning, it contains a few instances of course language. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!) Twas the night before Christmas and all through the bar Many creatures were stirring, with more arriving by car. The patrons were laughing and talking with friends […]
Judge Partially Sides With Mall of America in BLM Protest Case
A judge ordered that three specific Black Lives Matter organizers may not enter the premise during today’s planned protest at the Mall of America, but she stopped short of signing a temporary restraining order blocking the entire group from attending. Yesterday’s ruling from Hennepin County judge Karen Janisch played out as expected for many in […]
Our Five Favorite Blog Posts From 2015
2015 is coming to a close, and while we’re looking forward to all the great opportunities 2016 will bring, we want to take a minute to look back at the year that was. We’ve published over 200 blog posts this year, which is part of the reason we were voted the top criminal law blog […]
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