The 4th of July holiday weekend is almost here, so close that we can almost smell the brats on the grill. If you’re going to a barbecue or headed to the lake this weekend, make sure you have a safe way to get home, because police are expected to have an enhanced presence on the roads this weekend to look for drunk drivers and other dangerous driving maneuvers.
We expect police to have an even more noticeable presence on the roads over the holiday weekend because of the recent trends we’ve seen when it comes to drinking and driving over Independence Day weekend in Minnesota. DWI arrests in Minnesota have increased on this weekend in each of the last three years, topping out at 367 in 2021. Police want people to know that they will be out in full force so that they make good decisions when it comes to drinking and driving this weekend.
It doesn’t matter if you’re just heading down the road, you’re bar-hopping on the ATV trails with your buddies or you’re cruising around the lake with a loaded cooler – If you are over the legal limit and behind the wheel, know that police will be looking to arrest you for DWI. Not only can it lead to big fines and the possibility of jail, but your vehicle can be impounded, you can lose your license and you may face additional personal or professional problems as a result of your arrest. It will be very costly, and not just for your wallet, so make good decisions this weekend. And if you run into trouble, give us a call like these people did.
Avoiding A 4th Of July DUI
Avoiding a DUI this weekend comes down to having some common sense and planning ahead. You know that police will be out in added force, so if you are even questioning whether or not you are over the legal limit, don’t take the chance. Better yet, plan ahead before you start drinking so that you know exactly how you’re getting how at the end of the night. Don’t leave it up to chance. Plan ahead and don’t get behind the wheel if you have been drinking.
Designate a sober driver, take public transportation or check out the rest of these tips for avoiding a DWI over a holiday weekend. We answer our phones 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including over the holiday weekends, so while you know you’ll have an ally if you call our office at (952) 224-2277, we hope that you don’t need us this weekend.
Have a wonderful Fourth of July weekend, and make sure you and everyone in your party makes smart decisions when it comes to drinking and driving. If someone makes a mistake and needs some legal assistance, be it for drunk driving, distracted driving or another legal infraction, we’ll be here day and night through the busy weekend. Just give our team a call and we can help you out of a sticky situation. For more information, or to set up a free case consultation, contact Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm today at (952) 224-2277.