St. Patrick’s Day is coming up this weekend, and as we talked about on a previous blog, we expect an uptick in business as a result of holiday shenanigans. Not only can we expect an more drunk drivers this weekend, but police are also expected to have increased DUI patrols throughout the holiday weekend, and that is a recipe for an uptick in arrests. If you are one of the unfortunate souls picked up for a DUI this weekend, you have some steps you need to take right now. We share those tips in today’s blog.
What To Do After A St. Patrick’s Day DWI
We are writing this from the perspective of someone who has already been arrested, charged with DWI and released, but if you happen to be Googling this information while the cop has you pulled over, here’s what you’ll want to do in the meantime. Don’t overshare information or admit to drinking alcohol, and be sure to contact a lawyer if you are asked to participate in field sobriety tests. We’ve talked about this in the past, but when field sobriety tests are mentioned, this means your traffic stop has reached a critical juncture where you can consult with a lawyer. You lawyer may not be able to save you from a DWI during this conversation, but they can at least guide you into what to expect next.
Let’s assume all of that is in the rearview mirror and that you have been charged with Driving While Intoxicated and released. What should you do next? Here are some helpful steps:
1. Contact A Lawyer – If you haven’t already contacted a lawyer, this needs to be one of your first steps. They can help secure your release from jail or begin developing a strong defense for your case. Even if you believe it’s an open and shut case – you were driving with a BAC over 0.08 – there are countless relevant factors that can influence the outcome of your case. If police failed to act properly, there was an issue with evidence collection or their was a rights violation, you may see the charges reduced or dropped, and a lawyer has the understanding of how to pursue those angles. They can also work with the other side towards a plea deal that sees you avoid a worst case scenario. A lawyer will be your best asset after a DWI.
2. Find Your Vehicle – Your vehicle could be in a number of different places after your DWI arrest. You can learn more on this page that dives into what happens to your vehicle after a DWI arrest, but it could be in a few different places. If parked legally on the street, it may still be where you were pulled over. If it was on the highway or you have a few previous DWIs on your record, it could be towed or impounded. You can ask police if they have information as to the location of your vehicle if you suspect that it is no longer in the original location. They may be able to provide you with towing companies they frequently work with so that you can track down your vehicle.
3. Communicate With Your Lawyer – Over the next few days and weeks, it’s important you keep in touch with your lawyer. They may want information or a statement from you, and it’s critical that you get this to them as quickly as possible to assist with your defense. Don’t make it hard for your lawyer to help you.
4. Stay Out Of Trouble – Finally, make sure that you keep your head down and stay out of trouble as your case plays out. You are already fighting an uphill battle when the judge sees that you were arrested for DWI on or around St. Patrick’s Day, and your case won’t get any easier if it appears on the surface that you haven’t found a way to stay out of trouble. Avoid bars or company who may lead you to make poor choices.
If you connect with a lawyer and stay in touch with them throughout the process, you can avoid a worst case scenario and may be able to earn a favorable resolution to your case. It won’t be easy, but it’s something we do regularly for our clients. For more information, or for help with a different criminal matter, reach out to Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm today at (952) 224-2277.