Labor Day weekend is almost upon us, and soon millions of people will be hitting the road for one last long weekend as summer comes to an unofficial close. The long weekend also means that more people may be consuming alcohol, and that can be a problem if they choose to get behind the wheel after drinking. We hope that nobody gets a DWI this weekend, but we know that’s just not realistic.
Police have already announced that they will be conducting extra safety patrols to look for drunk drivers, so make a smart choice and arraign a sober ride home if you’ll be out drinking. If something goes amiss and you end up being suspected of drunk driving, there are some things you’ll want to do to avoid a worst case scenario. In today’s blog, we highlight five things you’ll want to do if pulled over for DWI on Labor Day weekend in Minnesota.
Labor Day DUI Basics
The first step should be to avoid drinking and driving, as this will ensure you never end up facing the possibility of a DWI, but for the sake of this blog we’re going to assume that you’ve had a few beers and see the red and blue police lights in your rear view mirror.
1. Pull Over Quickly And Safely – Don’t try to evade the cops, because that will only lead to more severe charges. A DWI is not the end of the world, and you might not even end up with one. Check your surroundings, signal your intention to pull over and carefully navigate to an area where it’s safe to stop.
2. Keep Your Mouth Shut – Aside from answering basic questions about who you are, don’t provide any additional information to police about where you’re coming from or how many drinks you’ve had. As we’ve explained on the blog in the past, you’re not going to talk your way out of a DUI. You might think that you’re helping your case by saying that you’ve only had two beers, but all the cop will hear is an admission to consuming alcohol and driving. Don’t try to talk your way out of the situation, because more often than not it will only hurt your case.
3. Be Respectful – Now is not the time to be indignant or arrogant. Trying to pick a fight verbally or even physically is only going to make the whole situation worse. You might not be happy with the situation, but don’t take it out on the officer. Being respectful won’t get the charges dropped, but it can make your case a little easier to defend instead of tacking on additional charges or making the incident more memorable for the cop. The more forgettable you are, the easier it will be to challenge the officer’s version of events.
4. Call At Attorney – You don’t have to wait until you are booked at the station to contact an attorney. If you are asked to submit to a breathalyzer or conduct field sobriety tests, you are legally allowed to quickly consult with an attorney prior to deciding how to move forward. Take advantage of this and make the best move for your situation by calling Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm (952) 224-2277.
5. Stay Out Of Trouble – Finally, if you are officially charged with DWI, make sure that you stay out of trouble while your case plays out. Don’t end up in a bar fight or in handcuffs again, because it won’t do anything to help your case. In fact, talk with your lawyer about ways you can be proactive while your case is pending.
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and remember that we’re here if you or someone in your group ends up in trouble. We answer our phones 24/7 through the holiday weekend, so let us help you out of a sticky situation. For more information, or to talk to a lawyer about your case, give our team a call today at (952) 224-2277.