When you picture someone getting arrested for drunk driving in Minnesota, are you picturing someone that had one too many drinks at a Happy Hour, someone that got blackout drunk at a bar until closing time, or something in between? The Minnesota Department of Public Safety recently released some information about the average DWI arrest in Minnesota, and the average blood alcohol concentration level was tracked. We look at the average drunk driver’s BAC and how it can impact their case in today’s blog.
The Average DWI BAC Level
According to the Minnesota DPS, the average BAC for a driver arrested for DWI in Minnesota is 0.15. As you likely know, the legal limit for driving is 0.08, meaning the average drunk driver in Minnesota is nearly double the legal driving limit. In drivers who are involved in a fatal automobile accident, the average BAC increases slightly, to 0.19.
As you can see, this isn’t really a situation of accidentally having just one too many beers at the bar or a backyard barbecue. Considering that a standard drink typically raises your blood alcohol concentration by about 0.02 percent, most people are having 3-5 beers too many before they get behind the wheel and earn a DWI charge.
The 0.15 average arrest threshold is interesting for another reason, and that’s because enhanced DWI penalties kick in at 0.16 percent. When someone drives with a blood alcohol concentration above 0.16, they can face an upgraded DWI charge and additional consequences, including the need to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle to continue driving. That means that the average driver arrested for DWI is teetering right on that border of facing a much more significant DWI charge, even if it’s their first DWI arrest.
If you are arrested for DWI, regardless of whether or not you’re near this enhanced threshold, it’s imperative that you reach out to a criminal defense attorney in your area. As we’ve discussed at length on the blog in the past, a DWI conviction can lead to significant consequences that affect your family, your career and your finances. Know that you have options and that it’s not typically in your best interest to just plead guilty and hope for the best. Instead, hire a lawyer who will put together an aggressive defense for you and ensure you avoid a worst case scenario.
For more information, or for assistance if you or someone you know has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence, reach out to Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm. We offer free case review sessions where you can sit down with an attorney, review the facts of your case and move forward with a plan of action. To set up that consultation, or for more legal assistance, reach out to our team today at (952) 224-2277.