Nobody plans on being arrested, so you probably don’t have a plan for how you should act in the event that you end up in handcuffs. How you act after you’ve been arrested is pivotal for how your case plays out, because you can severely hurt your case by doing some dumb things after an arrest. Today, we highlight some of the things you’ll definitely want to avoid doing in the wake of an arrest.
Actions To Avoid After An Arrest
Here’s a look at a number of actions you’ll want to avoid if you’re being arrested by police:
1. Fidgeting Your Hands – You’re going to want to keep your hands visible and avoid fidgeting in your pockets. Police don’t know what you have in your pockets, and if you make quick movements or keep reaching in them, they are going to suspect the worst, and that can escalate a situation. Keep your hands visible at all times.2. Giving False Information – Don’t hand the police your fake ID or give a fake name when asked who you are, because it’s only going to make matters worse. They aren’t going to fall for it, and when they figure it out, you’re going to face additional charges for interfering with an investigation. You don’t need to overshare information, but you should give basic truthful information about who you are when questioned by police.
3. Physically Resist – Whatever you do, do not physically resist or try to run from the cops. This will certainly lead to additional criminal charges, and you can end up injured or worse. It also stands to make you look guilty of whatever police were questioning you about in the first place.
4. Get Talky – A lot of people think they can explain their way out of a situation by talking with police, but police are trying to make a case against you, so anything you share with them can be used against you. For example, some people think that police will believe them if they tell them they only had two beers before getting behind the wheel, but all the officer is going to glean from that conversation is that you have been drinking alcohol. It’s not going to help your case to try and talk your way out of an arrest, because there’s a good chance you’ll actually give up information that can be used against you.
5. Assume It’s Too Early To Talk To A Lawyer – As we explained on the blog before, there are situations where you can consult with a lawyer before you’ve actually been placed under arrest. Don’t assume that you can’t get legal advice until you’re booked into the station. Ask the officer if you are being arrested and if you presently have the right to speak with a lawyer. Don’t let them intimidate you into doing something that’s not in your best interests.
If you end up in handcuffs, the best thing you can do is remain quiet and polite and reach out to an experienced defense lawyer like Avery Appelman. For more information or to set up a free case review, reach out to Appelman Law Firm today.