Criminal charges can go from petty misdemeanor to a felony in a heartbeat if certain aggravating factors are present. You might not think your actions are all that severe, but depending on the circumstances, you could end up facing stiff fines or years in jail. Today, we take a look at the aggravating factors that can lead to upgraded criminal charges in Minnesota.
Aggravating Factors
We’ve talked about how a very high BAC or the presence of minors in the vehicle at the time of the arrest can lead to upgraded DUI charges, but below we’re going to look at how a wider range of criminal charges can be upgraded through aggravating factors. Here’s a look at aggravating factors in Minnesota:
Repeat Offenses – If you’ve been convicted of a similar crime in the past, it can lead to upgraded charges for future incidents.
Presence of a Weapon/Tool – If you are caught with burglary supplies or use a firearm in the commission of a robbery, you can bet you’ll face enhanced charges.
Intent – If it can be proven that you intended to cause harm, instead of causing harm by recklessness or negligence, you can face upgraded charges.
Minors – If a child or children were present during the commission of the crime, your charges can be upgraded.
Value of Goods – The value of the goods stolen or in your possession can determine what types of charges you’ll face. If you’re caught stealing high value merchandise or with a large amount of drugs, you can face much stiffer penalties.
Danger To Others – If your actions put a bunch of other people in danger, instead of just yourself, you may find yourself facing felony charges.
As you can see, it can be pretty easy for small charges to snowball into much larger problems. When this happens, your best bet is not to plead guilty and ask for leniency. Instead, you’ll want to put forth an aggressive defense and rely on your own expert to help get you the best results possible. Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm have been doing that for years, and we can do the same for you. For more information, or to set up a free consultation, reach out to Appelman Law Firm today at (952) 224-2277.