Halloween lands on a Sunday this year, and that means many Minnesotans will be celebrating the holiday over the course of the weekend. While Sunday may be what the kids are looking forward to, many adults may be looking to ring in the holiday on Friday or Saturday, and that can lead to trouble if they’re not careful. In today’s blog, we share some tips for avoiding a DUI on Halloween weekend in Minnesota.
Avoiding A Halloween DUI
Halloween weekend is one of the busiest weekends for DUI arrests across the country, simply because police officers know how important it is to help keep kids safe when they are out traversing the sidewalks and streets. They may book more DUIs during the Fourth of July or Labor Day, but knowing what’s at stake this weekend, it should come as no surprise that police have extra enforcement looking for inebriated and dangerous drivers.
There will be more police on the roads, and knowing that there will be more kids out and about during the evening hours when it’s not as easy to see, there should be no reason to get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking. But if you need additional tips, consider:
- Plan ahead and know how you’re getting home before you start drinking.
- Call an Uber, Lyft or other ride-sharing service.
- Stay over at a friend’s house if you’re going to be over the legal driving limit.
Your life can chance in a moment’s notice if you decide to get behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking on Halloween weekend, and the same can be said for other reckless driving behaviors. Speeding and distracted driving on Halloween weekend could kill, so mind your speed and do not give in to distractions while you’re driving. Police are not going to let you off with a warning on Halloween weekend.
Another excuse we often hear is that “I was just going down the road,” or “I only took my eyes off the road for a second.” As we mentioned above, police will be out in extra force looking for dangerous drivers, so don’t assume that you’ll be safe because you were just driving a mile to a friend’s house or decided to send a text while driving because you didn’t expect kids to cross the street at an unmarked intersection. It’s not going to matter in court, so wise up.
If something surprising happens and you end up in handcuffs, know that you do not need to spend Halloween night in jail. Pick up the phone and give Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm a call. We answer our phones 24 hours a day, and we have extra staff ready to handle calls over the holiday weekend so you can get out of jail before Monday. Let us help you secure your release and start your defense. For more information, or to talk to a defense lawyer about your legal options, give Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm a call today at (952) 224-2277 for a free case consultation.