Crime continues to fall in Minnesota, as violent crime and property crime all fell in 2014.
According to data collected by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, total crime fell by 4.4 percent in 2014. Total crime was broken into two subgroups, with murder, aggravated assault, rape and robbery accounting for violent crime, while crimes like like theft, arson, human trafficking and breaking and entering made up the property crime section. Violent crime fell by 1.2 percent, while property crime dropped by 4.8 percent.
Additionally, the murder rate in Minnesota dropped quite substantially in 2014. The state experienced a 26 percent drop in murders compared to 2013. When we dig deeper into the homicide statistics, we find:
- The homicide rate in 2014 was 2 per 100,000.
- On average, one homicide occurred every four days in Minnesota last year.
- Of the 81 criminal homicide incidents, 17 victims were killed by someone in their nuclear family, 34 were killed by a friend or non-nuclear family member, 10 were killed by complete strangers and in 30 cases, the relationship was unknown/other.
- Firearms played a role in the majority of homicides.
Other stats from the report show that robberies fell by less than 1 percent, aggravated assaults fell by nearly 2 percent, while reported rapes increased by less than 1 percent.
Minnesota DUI Statistics
As a criminal law firm that handles a lot of drunk driving cases, we’re always interested in looking at how DUI arrests change over the years. Here’s a closer look at the statistics from 2014:
- There were 20,656 DUI arrests in 2014, a 20 percent drop from 2013.
- Males made up 75 percent of those individuals arrested for DUI.
- White males between the age of 21-24 were the most likely demographic to be arrested for a DUI.
- 74 percent of DUI arrests were classified as an urban arrest, while 26 percent occurred in rural areas.
- 9 percent of police pursuits involved a suspect who was later arrested for DUI.
You can check out the full report by clicking here, or you can check out the Minnesota Motor Vehicle Impaired Driving Facts Report from years past.