Last month we penned a blog asking our readers to help support the Appelman Law Firm blog in The Expert Institute’s 2015 Best Legal Blog Contest. You guys rocked the vote, and our blog was selected as a finalist for the award along with 30 others.
First off, we want to thank each and every one of you who took a couple minutes to nominate our blog. We love sharing insights into the criminal law community, and it’s rewarding to see that our musings aren’t falling on deaf ears. So once again, thanks for reading the blog and casting your vote.
Help Us Win!
Being a finalist is great recognition in and of itself, but we don’t want to stop there. We want to win the whole damn thing! So once again, we’re asking for your vote. Unlike the last vote, this time it’s a very straightforward process. Here’s how you can vote.
2. On the right side of our profile page, click the thumbs up to vote for our blog!
You can only vote once per device, so there’s no need to try and vote every day, but feel free to vote from your mobile device or your personal/work computer.
The contest runs through October 9th, so you’ll probably hear us talking about the nomination for the next month. We’ll keep posting updates about where we are in the standings in hopes that you’ll help catapult our blog to the top of the charts. Thanks again for voting for us the first time, and we’d love it if you could do it again this time around!
For more information about the contest, you can click here.