Synthetic drugs have become more popular in recent years as individuals and businesses have tried to get around some of the laws that govern illegal drug use. Lawmakers quickly closed loopholes after overdoses from these synthetic drugs skyrocketed, and they greatly increased punishments for possession and sale of synthetic compounds. Today, we take a closer look at the penalties for possessing and selling synthetic drugs in Minnesota, and we share some legal advice.
Synthetic Drug Penalties in Minnesota
Synthetic drugs have been linked to numerous health hazards, including hallucinations, anxiety, seizures and cardiac arrest, so lawmakers decided to impose serious penalties for anyone caught in possession or distributing the drug. The Minnesota Legislature classified synthetic marijuana and other synthetic compounds as Schedule I controlled substances, which are the most serious of all drug classifications. Schedule I drugs are categorized as having little to no medical benefit while having the highest likelihood of abuse, addiction or health hazards.
Because they’ve been classified as a Schedule I drug, the sale or possession of synthetic drugs can be considered a felony offense in Minnesota. For example, a person convicted of selling synthetic marijuana can face up to five years in jail and fines up to $10,000. Any individual found in possession of synthetic bath salts or similar drugs will face the same potential penalties. Possessing a small about of K2 or synthetic marijuana is typically considered a misdemeanor offense, which is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and fines up to $1,000.
Challenging A Synthetic Drug Arrest In Minnesota
As you can see, a conviction for synthetic drug possession or distribution can carry serious consequences in Minnesota, so it is in your best interest to fight the charges in court. Even if you were clearly in violation of the law, prosecutors don’t always want to spend time and resources challenging your case, so if you work with an attorney, you may be able to make a deal that results in a lessor charge or a minimal penalty.
If you’ve been arrested for synthetic drug sales or possession, give Avery Appelman and the team of lawyers at Appelman Law Firm a call. We will sit down with you during our free case evaluation session and go over all your options. If we think we can successfully challenge the case, we’ll work with you to develop a strategy to help you beat the charges. If we think a plea deal or another option is in your best interests, we’ll share that with you as well, because our goal is always to be upfront and honest with our clients, because we expect the same from them.
So if you or someone you know is facing synthetic drug possession charges in the Twin Cities or a nearby suburb, contact Avery Appelman today. We’ll help give you the best chance to come out of the situation in the best way possible. For more information on how we work to achieve this, contact our office by clicking here or by calling us at (952) 224-2277.