The new year is almost upon us, and for an unfortunate few in Minnesota, they will ring in the new year with criminal charges in the form of a DWI. New Year’s Eve and the early morning hours of New Year’s Day are very dangerous times on the road because there are an influx of inebriated drivers who get behind the wheel after ringing in the new year with alcohol.
We hope that you’ll make smart decisions this year, especially because we already know that police will be conducting extra DWI enforcement patrols through the New Year’s holiday, but if you end up in trouble this weekend, you need to know who to call. The team at Appelman Law Firm always answers their phones 24-7 through the New Year’s holiday weekend, so if you need legal assistance at 10:28 p.m., 12:01 a.m. or 3:33 a.m. this weekend, we’ll be here for you. Just pick up the phone and call our team at (952) 224-2277.
Free New Year’s Eve Case Consultation
If you are stopped by police over New Year’s, it’s imperative that you choose your next steps carefully. Don’t try to talk your way out of a citation or arrest, because all you’ll be doing is giving police more evidence to be used against you in court. If you’re going to talk to anybody during the interaction, connect with a criminal lawyer.
You are allowed to reach out to a lawyer once the interaction has reached a critical stage, and if you have been asked to conduct roadside DWI tests or blow into a breathalyzer, the case has reached a critical juncture. You will be allowed to quickly reach out to a lawyer for advice on how to proceed if you so choose, and you should take advantage of this time to contact a lawyer like Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm.
We can walk you through what you can expect in the coming moments, and we can share some advice for how to put yourself in the best position going forward. We’re not going to be able to talk the officer into letting you go either, but we can provide some individualized advice such that you don’t end up hurting your case. Following a lawyer’s advice will make it much easier to either get the charges dismissed or reach an optimal plea deal instead of heading to court.
Our team also offers free case consultations where you can sit down with a lawyer and go over the specifics of your case. This consultation will be much more in-depth than what we will be able to provide you in a couple of minutes over the phone while you’re on the side of the road, and it will give you a much clearer outlook for the next steps in your case. There is no obligation or commitment needed in order to pursue a free case consultation with our team, because we know that we can usually provide enough insight and add enough value to your situation that you’ll consider hiring our team to help defend your case.
So please, make some smart decisions over New Year’s so that you don’t need to call us in the middle of the night or set up a free case consultation, but know that these options are available to you and your loved ones in the event that something goes amiss. Don’t start your year off on the wrong foot. Instead, connect with a lawyer who can help secure your release, even on a holiday, and defend you in the court of law. For more information, or for help with a different criminal matter, reach out to our team today at (952) 224-2277.