As expected, Minnesota police announced that they will be conducting extra DWI patrols from now until the end of the Labor Day holiday weekend in an effort to crack down on the dangerous driving maneuver.
The news comes on the heels of a report published by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety’s Office of Traffic Safety last Thursday, which announced that more than 16,000 people have already been arrested for DWI in Minnesota this year. That puts the state on pace to eclipse last year’s number of roughly 24,000, and even though people have been warned, we expect a significant spike DWI arrests over the next two weeks.
Not only will police be looking for individuals driving under the influence of alcohol, but they’ll also be on the lookout for other substances that could impair a person’s driving ability.
“We’ve seen a spike in DWI arrests this year and a pretty significant increase in recent years with the number of drivers who are being arrested for drug-impaired driving,” said Office of Traffic Safety Director Mike Hanson. “Drivers need to be aware that cold medicine, prescription medication, recently legalized THC edible products or any other drug can contribute to impairment and a DWI.”
Drugged Driving On The Rise
While driving under the influence of alcohol accounts for a bigger percentage of fatal traffic accidents in Minnesota, it’s the spike in the rate of drugged driving DWI arrests that has officers concerned. According to the data from the Minnesota DPS, there have been 15,000 drugged driving incidents (traffic stops or accidents) over the past five years, which is a 123 percent increase from 2012 to 2016.
The extra DWI patrols will be financed by funding provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and will run through September 5th. As always, we advise that you plan ahead and know how you’ll safely be getting home before you start drinking. There are plenty of ridesharing or public transportation options available, so don’t make a costly mistake by getting behind the wheel if you’ve had too many.
But if you or someone you know ends up making a mistake over the next two weeks and needs legal help, make sure the first call is to the team at Appelman Law Firm. Not only can we quickly get you out of jail, even on a holiday weekend, but we can help ensure you are treated fairly by the courts. We’ve helped win countless cases or favorable outcomes for DWI clients in the past, and we’ll work hard to do the same for you. For more information or for help with your legal issue, reach out to the team at Appelman Law Firm today at (952) 224-2277.