A streak of four years without a death on Minnesota roads over the New Year’s holiday came to a halt last year when one person lost their life in a crash, but state officials are hoping to start a new streak this year.
New Year’s Eve is one of the most deadly days on US roads, as the possibility of poor winter weather mixes with late night partiers who drive home drunk after ringing in the new year. Since New Year’s Eve is one of the biggest days for drunk driving, it should come as no surprise that the Minnesota State Patrol will be conducting extra DUI patrols as part of the national “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign.
“DWI patrols will be on the road, so don’t risk drinking and driving,” the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety said in a statement. “Now is the time to plan for your safe and sober ride.”
Despite the warning, Minnesota police still expect drunk drivers to hit the roads in droves. Over 300 people were booked for DUI in New Year’s Eve in 2013, despite a heads up, and the state has averaged 295 arrests each year on the holiday for the past five years.
Get Home Safe
If you’ve been following our blog long enough, you probably already know our suggestions for getting home safe after ringing in a holiday, so today we’ll do it Wheel of Fortune style. Below are five ways to get home safe after a night on the town. See if you can figure out the clues with the hints.
1. T_K_ _ C_ _ (3 words)
2. _ _ BLI_ T _ A _ S _ _ _ TATI _ N (2 words)
3. U _ _ _ (1 word)
4. D _ _ _ G _ A _ E _ D _ _ _ E _ (2 words)
5. _ _ LK (1 word)
The answers to the five ways to get home safe on New Year’s Eve are: 1. Take a cab. 2. Public Transportation. 3. Uber. 4. Designated Driver. 5. Walk.
Have a safe and happy New Year!