If you are arrested and charged with driving under the influence, you’re probably wondering how to best navigate the sticky situation you now find yourself in. You know that a DUI can be a financial burden, and you’re probably now starting to wonder whether or not you should add to your expenses by hiring a lawyer to assist with your case. Is it worth the money to hire a DUI lawyer, or should you cut out that added expense, go it alone and hope for the best? We explain why it’s almost always worth the money to hire a DWI lawyer after your drunk driving arrest.
Should I Pay For A Lawyer After A DWI?
When it comes to determining whether or not it’s a smart financial decision to hire a lawyer to help with your DUI case, it’s imperative that you assess all the relevant factors to really come to grips with the ways a DUI conviction can affect your life. Expenses oftentimes associated with a DUI include:
- Fines
- Court fees
- Driver’s license reinstatement
- Vehicle impound fees
- Alcohol or driver’s education courses
- Ignition interlock installation and monthly fees
- Increased automobile insurance premiums
- Time away from work to fight the case
- Losing your job because you were convicted
It’s normal to look at all those expenses and think, “Why should I add lawyer fees to that long list. A DUI is already expensive enough without paying for a defense lawyer.” That would make sense if a lawyer didn’t get you any better result than you could achieve on your own, but in the vast majority of instances, a professional lawyer can help secure a far more favorable outcome than if you just pled guilty or went with an overburdened public defender.
Spend The Money On A Lawyer
A private defender is going to make the process much smoother, and they’ll give you a much better chance at securing a favorable outcome. Not only can they challenge the evidence as it pertains to your case, but they can also go after how the evidence was collected to see if your rights were violated. You probably don’t have much experience picking apart a police officer’s version of events, but we do, and that’s very important because when it’s your word against the officer’s, the courts are going to generally favor the police unless you can poke holes in their story. We have a variety of different ways in which we can help you put up a strong defense and help you win your case.
But winning your case isn’t the only way to ensure hiring a lawyer is worth it. In many instances, a private defender can help you reach a much more advantageous plea deal than you could secure on your own. Through successful arguments, your lawyer may be able to get your charges downgraded from a DWI to reckless driving or another lesser charge. This could help you retain your license, keep your job, avoid ignition interlock fees, save a boatload on automobile insurance and drastically decrease your fine amount, saving you thousands of dollars in the process.
It’s highly unlikely that you would be able to achieve the same outcome on your own that you can with a criminal defense lawyer by your side, and even if they can’t get the charges completely dropped, they can still save you thousands of dollars and a number of headaches. So if you’re on this page because you were recently arrested for DWI in the Twin Cities and are wondering if you should spend money on an attorney, you’ve come to the right place, because we will be worth it for your case.
To help our clients get a better understanding of what we can bring to the table and how we ensure you’re making a smart financial move, we offer a free case evaluation where you can sit down with a lawyer, go over your case and get answers to the questions you have. You’re free to walk out of this meeting without bringing us on board, but most people see what we have to offer during these strategy sessions, and they learn how we can help guide them out of this tough spot. They know we’re worth it, and we’re confident you’ll see it too. To set up that free meeting to review your case, give our team a call today at (952) 224-2277.