Hundreds of thousands of people receive a traffic ticket every day, so a lot of people ask themselves that question on a daily basis. When it comes down to it, it’s about weighing the pros versus the cons. Below, we discuss some things you should consider when deciding if you want to contest the ticket or not.
7 Questions to Ask Yourself
There are a number of things to consider when you’re making the decision to fight a traffic ticket. To get a better understanding if you should contest the ticket, ask yourself these seven questions.
- Was a wrongly ticketed?
- Do I have witnesses to prove my case?
- Is the ticket pretty expensive?
- Will the ticket greatly affect my insurance premiums?
- Will the ticket affect my driver’s license?
- Will the ticket result in the forfeiture of my license?
- Will the ticket cost me my job?
Now, it’s up to you, but if you’re answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, you might want to consider fighting the ticket.
Why Should I Contest?
If you’re still thinking it’s best just to suck it up and pay the ticket, here us out. We’ll go through a couple scenarios.
In The Right – This covers the first two bullet points listed above. In this scenario, for whatever reason, you were wrongly ticketed. Maybe the officer’s radar gun inaccurately reported your speed, or you were ticketed for reckless driving, but the cop didn’t see that you only swerved because someone opened a car door or a ball rolled into the street. If you’re lucky, you may even have witnesses to back you up, be it a passenger or passerby. If you are ticketed and there are witnesses who can confirm your story, get their information. They’ll play a pivotal role in proving your innocence. In this scenario, it’s almost always worth it to contest the ticket.
Expenses – If the ticket is going to take a heavy toll on your wallet, it may be worth challenging the ticket. It may seem counter-intuitive to spend more money in hopes of avoiding a hefty fine, but it’s still worth discussing your concerns with an attorney. After all, we offer a free initial consultation for that reason. We’ll hear your story and give you some free advice. If we know there’s a good chance we can get the ticket dropped or the fine reduced, we’ll explain our thought process. On the flip side, if you don’t have much of a case, we’re not going to waste your time. That said, even if it’s a pretty open-and-shut case, it may still be worth hiring an attorney if the fine is huge and there’s a decent chance it will be reduced with a plea deal. Instead of a $500 ticket, your attorney may be able to get it reduced to a $100 fine and the completion of a $100 driver safety course.
Your Future – This point falls in line with the above reason, but you have to consider the long-term consequences of your actions. There are three main factors to consider when determining how a ticket will affect your future: your license, your job and your insurance premiums. If you stand to lose either of those first two things, it’s well worth hiring an attorney to contest your ticket. If you drive for a living and the most recent ticket results in the loss of your license, you’ll want an attorney on your side who knows the in’s and out’s of the system. As for your insurance premium, it’s not clear exactly how a ticket will affect your premium, but do a simple Google search. “How will a reckless driving ticket affect my insurance?” or “Will my insurance increase if I’m caught driving without a license?”
So consider those points, and as we mentioned, don’t hesitate to reach out about the free consultation. We’re here to help you defend your rights.