Nobody wants a mistake from their youth to affect them years or decades down the road, but the fact of the matter is that certain juvenile crimes can affect a number of different aspects of your life long into adulthood. Minnesota recognizes that juveniles shouldn’t be held to the same standard as adults for some crimes, but even a juvenile conviction can have consequences down the road. Today, we look at some of the ways your life can be affected by a juvenile conviction, and we explain why it’s so important to challenge a juvenile charge.
How A Juvenile Convictions Sticks With You
We’re not saying that a speeding ticket at 16 is going to inhibit your ability to get into college, but you may be surprised to learn how certain convictions can work against you down the road. Here’s a look at a number of factors that can be affected by a juvenile conviction.
College – While a criminal record won’t automatically disqualify you from getting into college, it certainly will make the process harder. Given the choice between two similar applicants, one with a drug sales conviction and one with a clean criminal record, an applications committee is going to have a pretty easy decision to make. Some convictions cannot be asked about during the admissions process, but some drug, sexual or violent crimes will have to be reported, depending on where you apply.
Military – Even if your crime is minor or non-violent, you’ll still need to have a waiver approved in order to be admitted into the military. More serious crimes will prohibit your ability to enlist.
Employment – Along a similar line, job employers will be conducting background checks before moving along in the hiring process. If an assault or drug charge shows up, they may move on to the next candidate.
Housing – Most renters will also conduct background checks on prospective tenants, so if any red flags are found in your criminal background, your rental application may be tossed in the trash.
Why You Need To Challenge A Charge
Those are a number of important ways in which your life can be affected, so instead of hoping you can explain your side of things to a prospective school or employer, do something about it before it goes on your record. Challenge the case in court, and the best way to do this is with an experienced criminal defense lawyer by your side.
Avery has helped countless juveniles get their charges dropped or reduced, and he can do the same for you. On top of all the reasons we listed, it’s also important to remember that subsequent convictions will be viewed more harshly by the law, so any future run-ins with the law may lead to more problems if you let this first conviction go on your record.
Avery has the unique ability to attack a person’s case and put them in the best light possible, and he’ll do the same for you. He can even work with the prosecution to see if the charges can be reduced or your can accept a much lesser plea deal. He’ll work all the angles for you. Contact him today to set up a free strategy session by calling (952) 224-2277.