If you’re arrested for DUI, the prospect of paying money to an attorney can seem daunting – after all, you’re probably already looking at a fine and court costs. That said, hiring attorney can actually save you money, in some cases tens of thousands of dollars. You can hire a suitable attorney using a site like Find An Attorney or friends and family often have good recommendations too. Today, we explain how hiring an attorney can actually save you money in the long run.
Winning The Case
It may seem like a couple thousand dollars is a lot of money to pay to get out of a DUI charge, but it’s well worth it. Just like you wouldn’t perform your own surgery, you really shouldn’t try to fight such a serious criminal charge on your own. Some of the things your attorney can do that you might not be able to include:
- Appearing in court on your behalf.
- Filing all the necessary paperwork.
- Reviewing all the evidence.
- Preparing a thorough legal defense.
- Talking with the prosecutor.
- Discussing potential plea options.
- Helping you prepare for trial.
So yes, the idea of paying $3,000 to retain an attorney may seem like a lot of money, but your retainer goes a long way. In the event your attorney can help you beat the case or get a reduced charge, the money you paid to your attorney may completely offset the fines you would have had to pay had you been found guilty.
Hidden Costs
These are a big one, and definitely shouldn’t be overlooked when considering if you should hire an attorney. Again, it may seem like a lot of money to put down up front, but consider what is likely to happen after your DUI trial. There’s the possibility of jail time, which can jeopardize your job situation. Should you lose your job because of a DUI conviction, you could be missing out on thousands of dollars until you land a new job. If you hire an attorney, you increase your chances or beating the charge and staying out of trouble with your job. Additionally, as we mentioned above, your attorney can appear in court on your behalf, so you won’t need to take time off of work or waste vacation days to fight your charge.
Another hidden cost is your future insurance premiums. You can expect a dramatic increase in your car insurance premium after a DUI conviction. I’ve seen premiums double, triple and even quadruple after a DUI, which means you may not be able to afford coverage. So getting car insurance is essential if you want to still be legally in charge of a vehicle. Perhaps even finding the cheapest car insurance quote can benefit you even more. Proof of insurance is mandatory in most states, so if you put off paying your premium, you could end up with another ticket if you’re picked up for driving without insurance. Lastly, if your job requires you to drive a lot or carry valid insurance, you could end up losing your job if you can’t pay your premium.
Fighting a DUI can be a long a harrowing process, but you don’t have to do it alone. As you can see, an attorney can help save you money in the long run, even if you have to pay a lump sum up front. In fact, depending on the nature of your case, some attorneys will be willing to work out a payment plan so you can make payments when it’s more convenient for you. To talk with an attorney about your options, contact us today.