Drunk driving is a problem in all 50 states, as data suggests that drunk driving played a role in nearly 1 in 3 traffic-related deaths in 2014. Aside from the loss of life, drunk driving also takes an economic toll, costing Americans more than $40 billion a year in economic losses.
While drunk driving is an issue in every state, some states prosecute it much differently than others. Some states really crack down on drunk drivers, while others punish it similar to speeders. To get a better sense of which states are harsher or more lenient on drunk drivers, we turn to our friends at WalletHub.com who recently conducted a nationwide survey.
For their survey, WalletHub looked at DUI enforcement in all 50 states by tracking two categories: Criminal Penalties Rank and Prevention Risk. Here’s the factors that went into those two overall categories:
Criminal Penalties: Minimum jail time (for 1st conviction, minimum sentence only). Minimum jail time (for 2nd conviction, minimum sentence only). When is DUI automatically considered a felony? How long does a previous DUI factor into penalties for a new DUI? Are there additional penalties for high BAC? Minimum fine (for 1st conviction, minimum sentence only). Minimum fine (for 2nd conviction, minimum sentence only). Protection against child endangerment.
Prevention Risk: When is an ignition interlock mandatory? Is there an “administrative” license suspension after arrest (and before conviction)? How long is ignition interlock mandatory? Is alcohol abuse assessment and/or treatment mandatory? Vehicle impound after arrest? Average insurance rate increase after DUI. “No-refusal” initiative for rapid search warrants for sobriety testing. Sobriety checkpoints? Other penalties?
Here’s how the states ranked, in terms of the 10 harshest states and 10 most lenient states for drunk drivers.
10 Harshest States For DUI
1. Arizona
2. Georgia
3. Alaska
4. Oklahoma
5. Nebraska
6. Kansas
7. Connecticut
8. Utah
9. West Virginia
10. Texas
10 Most Lenient States For DUI
1. South Dakota
2. Washington D.C.
3. North Dakota
4. Pennsylvania
5. Ohio
6. Vermont
7. Maryland
8. New Jersey
9. Michigan
10. Idaho
If you’re wondering where Minnesota came in on the list, it fell in the middle of the pack, ranking as the 29th harshest states for drunk drivers. For more on the list, click here.