Although they’ve yet to make an official announcement, it is expected that police departments all across Minnesota will be conducting additional DUI patrols over the New Year’s Eve holiday weekend.
The Minnesota State Patrol typically partners with over 300 local law enforcement agencies to conduct additional DUI patrols over the holiday weekend, and it seems even more likely this year considering New Year’s Eve falls on a Saturday.
DUI arrest totals always spike on New Year’s Eve, as it’s one of the most deadly days on the roads. However, Minnesota saw a drop off in the number of people arrested for DUI last year compared to 2015. Last year 152 people were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol on New Year’s Eve, down from 174 in 2015.
Free Rides Mean There’s No Excuse For DUI!
In an effort to ensure everyone has a safe beginning to 2017, Miller Lite is partnering with the Metro Transit, the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority and Anoka Transit to get people home for free on New Year’s Eve. All listed transit systems will be providing free services beginning at 6 p.m. on New Year’s Eve and continuing until 3 a.m. on New Year’s Day.
To learn more about the program or to plan your route, click here.
On Call 24-7
So while there’s no reason to get behind the wheel if you’re ringing in 2017 with spirits, we understand that mistakes happen. Because New Year’s Eve and the wee hours of New Year’s Day are popular drunk driving days, we always make sure we have our office phones forwarded to our cell phones after hours, and we’ll pick up throughout the entire night. You do not need to sit in a cell or wait until morning to get out of jail and start preparing your defense. Give us a call at (952) 224-2277 any time throughout the night and we will go to work for you.
Just like car insurance, we hope you don’t need us, but we’re there for you when you do. If you or someone you know ends up in a sticky situation this New Year’s, contact Appelman Law Firm right away.
Have a great New Year’s Eve, and from all of us at Appelman Law Firm, we wish you and your family a wonderful 2017.