If you are hoping to enjoy a cold drink in the warm sun this weekend, make sure that you don’t get behind the wheel afterwards, because police will be out in full force looking for inebriated drivers.
Although they have yet to announce a formal crackdown, more than 300 agencies across the state typically get involved in a drunk driving crackdown beginning on the Friday of Memorial Day weekend and continuing until late Monday night. We expect a similar campaign this year, and considering that this enforcement period would also coincide with the current Click It or Ticket campaign, there will certainly be a fair amount of police on the roads throughout the weekend.
We say this every year, but please plan ahead and make some good decisions if you may be enjoying some adult beverages this holiday weekend. Every year we announce the DWI crackdown and that we will be answering calls 24 hours a day throughout the holiday weekend, and every year we end up getting an influx of calls from people who end up in trouble. We are more than happy to help you out of a sticky situation, but our goal with these blogs is to spread awareness of the crackdown so that you can plan ahead so that they don’t need our services. We’ll be here if you need us, but don’t end up in the back of a squad car because you thought you could get away with drinking and driving, because police will be out in full force.
Memorial Day DWI Lawyer
If you end up being stopped and police suspect that you may be under the influence, reach out to a lawyer before submitting to a breath test. You are legally allowed to consult with a lawyer prior to deciding to take a breath test or field sobriety tests, so take advantage of this opportunity. We’re not going to be able to get the cops to let you go, but we can provide some advice or let you know what to expect from the situation. We can also help to get you out of jail that night if you are arrested so that your life isn’t disrupted.
There are countless ways to get around this weekend that doesn’t involve getting behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking. There are rideshare options like Uber and Lyft, public transportation options like the city bus or the light rail, or you can walk home with friends if the weather complies. Plan ahead so that you know how you’re getting home before the night begins so that you don’t have to get behind the wheel when you shouldn’t.
We hope that you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, but if you run into trouble and need legal assistance, know that we are here for you. We answer our phones day and night throughout the weekend, and we can be a resource in your time of need. For more information, or for help with a different criminal matter, reach out to the team at Appelman Law Firm today at (952) 224-2277.