Being arrested and taken to the police station can be a nerve-racking experience, especially if it is your first time in handcuffs. The vast majority of people don’t know what to expect in the wake of a DUI offense, but a new video from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety walks viewers through what happens after you’ve been arrested for drinking and driving. Check out the video below, or read the abbreviated summary of events underneath the video.
What to Expect After a DUI
As shown in the video, here’s what you can expect to happen after you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence in Minnesota.
1. The video starts by showing the offender being brought to the police department in the back of a squad car.
2. After the suspect arrives, they are searched by a police officer for drugs, weapons or any other objects.
3. The suspect is then read the Implied Consent law, and the suspect if given the opportunity to contact legal representation. TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CONTACT A LAWYER!
4. If you submit to a test, you will then be asked to blow into a breathalyzer to measure your BAC. Refusal is currently a crime, but it may be your best option depending on your conversation with your attorney.
5. The officer then goes over your test results and some other basic information.
6. If the suspect is extremely intoxicated, they may be placed in a holding cell until they are sober enough to begin the booking process.
7. When considered sober enough to submit to booking, a mugshot will be taken of the suspect.
8. The suspect will have their fingerprints taken and entered into the FBI database.
9. The suspect may then have the opportunity to post bail and be released. If the suspect cannot post bail, or they have to wait to see a judge for bail conditions (multiple DUI offenses), they will change into a provided set of clothes and be escorted into the general jail population until they can appear in front of a judge.
For more information on drinking and driving in Minnesota, swing on over to our DUI page.