If you’re gearing up for some Memorial Day travels, you’re going to want to make sure that you and anyone else in your vehicle straps on their seat belt, because police announced that a new enforcement period has begun.
Law enforcement announced that they latest Click It or Ticket campaign will begin today, Monday, May 22 and run through June 4. That means the enforcement period will include the Memorial Day weekend, which usually leads to a surge of drivers on the road. If you’ll be traveling through Minnesota or into Wisconsin, make sure that you are buckled up, because both states are participating in the seat belt campaign.
The Minnesota Department of Public Safety noted that 87 people died and more than 1,200 were injured in Minnesota alone last year in crashes where the occupant was not wearing a seat belt. Not only can wearing a seat belt help you avoid a ticket, but it can also save your life.
Minnesota Seat Belt Ticket Cost
A citation for not wearing your seat belt in Minnesota is $25, but with additional fees and charges, it is not uncommon for it to cost a driver more than $100 when all is said and done. Even if that doesn’t break the bank, you certainly have other ways you’d rather spend your money, so make it a point to wear your seat belt during the campaign and whenever you’re riding in a vehicle in Minnesota.
If you end up being ticketed during the campaign and want to fight the ticket, we are here to help. We can also assist in the event that you run into more serious trouble, like if you are picked up for speeding or drunk driving. We offer free case strategy sessions where you can sit down with a lawyer, review your case and figure out the best way to move forward. If you want to set up one of those consultations, pick up the phone and give the team at Appelman Law Firm a call today at (952) 224-2277.
We’re more than happy to help in any way we can, but we hope that you can avoid needing our services by buckling up and driving sober during the campaign and throughout the busy summer period. For more information, or for help with a different criminal matter, reach out to our team today!