Everybody knows that you shouldn’t drive drunk, but thousands of Americans still get behind the wheel every night after having a few too many adult beverages. One of the biggest problems is that most drunk drivers think “It won’t happen to me,” or “I pay more attention to the road when I’ve been drinking because I know I’m drunk.” With this mentality, it’s hard to wake people up to the dangers of drinking and driving.
There are plenty of anti-DUI campaigns out there, but drunk drivers aren’t exactly scouring Youtube to look for videos telling them why they shouldn’t drink and drive. But what if you could take that PSA to them? Better yet, what if that PSA was at a bar, where people are drinking and trying to figure out how they’ll get home? And what if you hit them with words from someone just like them, someone who thought they too were immune from the dangers of drinking and driving? Well, that’s exactly what the highway safety advocates with We Save Lives did. Check out their powerful anti-drunk driving message below:
So while it’s unlikely that the next time you’re in a bar bathroom that you’ll be greeted by a convicted drunk driver broadcasting from his jail cell, try to think back to this message and heed its warning. You’re not above the law or immune from the dangers of drinking and driving, and one mistake can put you behind bars or result in serious injury or death.