We love helping clients find a positive resolution to their criminal matter, and we appreciate when those satisfied clients take a couple of minutes out of their day to write about review about the care they received throughout their case. We’re approaching 200 five-star reviews on Google, and if we’ve helped you in the past, […]
Minnesota DWI Numbers See Encouraging Drop During Holiday Stretch
After years of troubling DWI statistics, it appears that Minnesotans are starting to get the message about the dangers of drinking and driving during the holiday season. As we mentioned on the blog previously, law enforcement across the state planned to conduct extra DWI patrols beginning on Thanksgiving and continuing through the New Year’s holiday. […]
New Year’s Brings The Most Drunk Drivers In Minnesota Each Year
Tonight is New Year’s Eve, and it’s also the most dangerous time to be on the road for Minnesotans. Drunk driving data found that New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day is far and away the most dangerous holiday on the roads, far surpassing the second most dangerous holiday period, which is the Fourth of […]
Christmas Music May Lead To More Dangerous Driving Behaviors
If you’ll be driving across the state this week to celebrate the holiday season with family, be sure not to crank the Christmas music too loudly. A new study found that certain holiday tunes could increase your likelihood of be being involved in a traffic accident. Distracted Driving And Christmas Music The study from the […]
I Need A Lawyer On Christmas
It doesn’t matter if you’re Ebenezer Scrooge or the Grinch in Whoville, nobody wants to spend Christmas in jail. However, the reality is that people spend the holiday season in different ways, and if you end up making a mistake and having a run-in with the law, spending Christmas in jail is a real possibility. […]