In today’s fast paced world, it’s not surprising that more people speed while driving than those who follow the posted limits.
Myths and Truths about Passing a Breathalyzer Test
There are plenty of urban legends when it comes to beating a breathalyzer test, but which techniques can lower blood alcohol readings? Below we separate the facts from the myths.
Drugged Driving Becoming More Popular the Drunk Driving
A study conducted on California roads found that more people are driving under the influence of drugs than under the influence of alcohol. The California Office of Traffic Safety conducted the survey by analyzing 1,300 saliva samples of people who were pulled over during a two-day period between the hours of 10pm and 3am. The […]
Penalties for Driving without Insurance in Minnesota
Minnesota state law requires you to have insurance for the car you are driving. You must also have proof of this insurance on you whenever driving and you must be able to produce it if an officer requests you do so. If you are pulled over and aren’t able to give the officer your proof […]
Crime-related Forfeitures Increase in 2011
Minnesota law enforcement officials reported that there were 6,338 cases of vehicle, cash, or property forfeiture in 2011. State Auditor Rebecca Otto said the total increased from 2010, when there were 4,604 forfeitures. She said the spike in forfeiture was likely related to mandated changes in the forfeiture process. The change in forfeiture procedures resulted […]