Not too long ago, we discussed how cameras were being used to catch motorists who violate bus stop-arm laws. Camera technology has yet to be implemented in Minnesota, but we want to do our part to ensure kids are safe when they enter or exit a bus. To help remind people of the local school […]
Ticket Quotas Raise Red Flags About Police Procedures
One of the least talked about subjects in police departments all across the country are ticket quotas, and for good reason. The general public doesn’t believe a certain number of people should be stopped by police officers just so the department can hit a desired number, and officers don’t like the stigma that comes with […]
Underage Drinking “Immunity” Bill Goes into Effect Monday
Underage drinkers who are attempting to seek aid for a friend that has consumed too much alcohol will now be able to avoid a minor consumption ticket. The law, which went into effect July 1, is designed to provide underage drinkers with a responsible solution if someone they know has had too much to drink. […]
Criminal Sexual Conduct Part 3: The Penalties and Community Notification Process in the Release of a Predatory Offender
Over the last few months, we have seen an influx of questions about the offenses, penalties and potential ramifications of being convicted of a sex crime in Minnesota. We decided to conduct a three-part series to answer some of the most common questions surrounding criminal sexual conduct. In Part 1, we explained what types of […]
Could Brain Scans Prevent Crime?
A neurocriminologist who has spent years studying brain development in criminals believes there exists a biological basis for criminal behavior. Adrian Raine has spent 25 years in the US studying cognitive development, and before that he spent years in Britain attempting to decipher why criminals committed the crimes they did. In 1994, Raine conducted a […]