As we talked about in an earlier post, getting a job in this market is tough enough even if you don’t have a criminal record. Many job applicants believe they may be dismissed from contention for a position because of a past incident on their criminal record.
Prescription Drug DWI
If you took a national poll and asked people to explain a DWI charge, a common response would be that someone was caught drinking and driving.
Minnesota DNA Evidence Goes Uncollected
A recent examination of Minnesota records revealed that 85 felons did not submit a required DNA sample in 2010. Ramsey County Attorney John Choi asked Richard Dusterhoft to re-examine case files after it was brought to his attention that some DNA samples weren’t collected. Dusterhoft, who works in the criminal division, said he was alarmed by what […]
Correlations between Adolescent Brain Development and Risky Behavior
Laurence Steinberg, who teaches psychology at Temple University, recently gave a lecture at the University of Minnesota on brain development and its impact on adolescent behavior. His lecture, titled “Should the Science of Adolescent Brain Development Inform Legal Policy?” focused on the factors that influence adolescents in their decision making. Steinberg compared an adolescent brain […]
Heroin Use is Up in Minnesota
New reports have surfaced indicating a startling rise in heroin use throughout central Minnesota. According to DEA agent Brent Fair, heroin has replaced methamphetamine as the most troubling drug of choice. In the last month alone, there have been 5 overdoses and 2 deaths in the St. Cloud metro. Minnesota-wide, there was a 68% increase […]