The votes are in, and we’re pleased to announce that Appelman Law Firm was voted the second best criminal law blog in the nation! The contest was run by The Expert Institute, and hundreds of law blogs were featured across a number of different categories. We were nominated in the criminal law category, and thanks to votes from many of our readers, we were able to take home second place in our category!
We’re very pleased with a second place finish, but we realize it wouldn’t have been possible with the help of our readers. We love to provide legal resources for individuals in need of help, but it’s amazing to see people coming together to vote for our firm when we’re looking for a little help in the form of votes. So we just want to take a moment to say thanks to everyone who voted for our firm and everyone who has read one of our blogs over the years. You guys are the reason we do what we do, and we’re so thankful for a loyal group of readers.
So once again, thanks for voting and reading our blog. The more people we can help, whether that’s right here in our own backyard or providing legal help for someone on the west coast, we’re happy to do it. You make what we do worth it, and we’re so grateful for your support during the contest. We pledge to have another great year of legal blogging in 2019, and who knows, maybe we’ll earn that coveted top spot in 2019!
Thanks again!
Avery Appelman