On February 8, 2011, the attorneys at Appelman Law Firm presented on the consequences of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) at Normandale Community College’s “Success Day.”
The presentation outlined the laws that constitute a Minnesota DWI, as well as the criminal, civil, and emotional consequences of receiving a DWI charge. The attorneys also investigated the rights and defenses for a person charged with a MN DWI.
The theme of this year’s “Success Day” was “Vision Possible – Navigating Your Future.” There were dozens of presentations ranging in topic from successful job hunting, to safe sex, to the consequences of drunk driving. This is the second year that Normandale has hosted the event.
The attorneys gave four separate presentations throughout the day to eager and interested students, staff, and members of the community. At each session, the audience was responsive, asking a plethora of questions about what actions to take when pulled over or arrested for DWI.
Avery has been presenting at Normandale and other colleges around the twin cities for several months now. Having a clear conception of the DWI laws and defenses is necessary for all MN drivers. That is why his presentations on DWIs are invaluable to the community as a whole.