One of our favorite annual events has come and gone, and once again it was a huge success! We’re talking of course about Our Hearts To Your Soles!
Our Hearts To Your Soles 2016 took place last Tuesday at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. Even though it was a cold and snowy night, so many volunteers made the journey to ensure the night was a huge success. Dr. Lance Silverman, a close friend and colleague of mine, provides the financial backing for the event with the help of his practice Silverman Ankle & Foot, and there were so many other organizations who came together to make sure attendees received medical care, foot screenings, socks, shoes, hygiene bags and jackets, all free of charge. These supplies can make all the difference for individuals who may not have the means to otherwise attain these essential items.
Ask A Lawyer
I’m not versed in checking feet for signs of structural damage, but our firm is knowledgeable when it comes to criminal law and other legal arenas. That’s why we’ve worked the “Ask A Lawyer” booth for a number of years at this annual event.
The Ask A Laywer booth is a wonderful aspect to Our Hearts To Your Soles because many of the attendees have legal questions but can’t afford to hire an attorney. The Ask A Laywer booth is always free, and it allows people to get answers to their questions. Some individuals are curious about loitering laws and what public spaces are available for them to sleep or stay for long periods of time, while others wants advice for applying for jobs with a criminal record, or if there’s anything that can be done make their situation right with the court without paying a large fine. Oftentimes their small problems have been made much worse simply because they do not have the means or the money to take care of the problem in its infancy, which leads to it spiraling out of control. We love working with these people during this event because we truly feel like we’re making a difference, and most times they are much more appreciative and thankful for our assistance than the average client.
Although the event just ended, we’re already looking forward to next year. We’ll be back at the Ask A Lawyer section in 2017, and we’d also like to thank the dozen or so lawyers in the community who came out to provide assistance as well. When our community comes together for one another, we are all winners!