You should always buckle up when you get behind the wheel, but you’ll really want to make sure you and your passengers are belted over the next two weeks as the Minnesota Department of Public Safety announced extra seat belt enforcement as part of the nationwide Click It or Ticket campaign.
Law enforcement from all across the state will take part in the campaign, which will run from May 23 – June 5.
Minnesota is actually ahead of the nationwide curve in terms of buckling up when driving. The 2015 Minnesota Seat Belt Survey revealed that 94 percent of front seat occupants buckled up when in a moving vehicle. We’ve also noticed a drop off in the number of people ticketed during recent Click It or Ticket campaigns. Here’s a look at how the numbers have dropped off during recent Ticket It or Ticket campaigns that stretch over Memorial Day weekend.
2012 – 12,639 seat belt citations; 301 child seat citations.
2013 – 10,342 seat belt citations; 256 child seat citations.
2014 – 10,874 seat belt citations; 279 child seat citations.
2015 – 7,393 seat belt citations, including 175 child seat citations.
Minnesota has also seen a drop off during recent October seat belt campaigns. 5,500 people were ticketed during the October 2015 enforcement, down from 8,195 from the year before.
Donna Berger, Office of Traffic Safety director, urged motorists to buckle up over the next few weeks, even if they believe they are great drivers.
“We may trust our own driving abilities, but we’re all vulnerable to the dangerous driving habits of others,” said Berger. “Protect yourself and your family by buckling up — every seat, every time.”
Buckle Your Children
It’s important to secure your seat belt every time you get behind the wheel, but you also need to ensure all your passengers are belted, especially young children. Under Minnesota law, all children under 4’9” tall or under the age of 8 must be belted into a child restraint, and newborns under a year or less than 20 pounds must be in rear-facing child seats.
You’ll also want to make sure your teens and young adults are buckled up in the vehicle. In Minnesota, drivers will be ticketed for any passenger ages 14 and younger who are found not wearing a seat belt. Any passenger over the age of 15 will be ticketed directly.
A ticket for failing to secure your seat belt only costs $25, but there are hidden fees associated with the ticket. With court and filing fees, a simple seat belt ticket can end up costing you over $100. The lesson, as we’ve mentioned throughout this piece, is to always buckle up when you’re in a car. It can save your life, and your bank account.