Regardless of whether your Independence Day celebration has already begun or you’re counting down the hours until the end of the workday Monday, know that wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, police are not far away.
That’s because extra police enforcement is expected to continue through the Fourth of July holiday stretch. In past years, more than 300 agencies across Minnesota have teamed up to conduct additional enforcement campaigns across the state over the Fourth of July holiday period, and we see no reason why this year would be different. Some of the activities that law enforcement will be working to crack down on include:
- Speeding
- Distracted Driving
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Boating While Intoxicated
- Illegal Firework Use
Don’t Expect A Warning
If you are stopped by police, don’t expect a warning. There is a large influx of drivers on the road, so if you are caught driving dangerously, police won’t take it lightly. Consider this blog the closest thing that you’ll get to a warning!
If you’re going to be celebrating the holiday with some spirits, be sure that you know how you’re getting home before you start drinking. You may think that you only need to make it a few miles, but police will be all over the roads, the trails and the waterways looking for intoxicated drivers. Designate a sober driver or rely on public transportation options like the light rail, a metro bus or rideshare options like Uber or Lyft. There really isn’t a good reason for getting a DWI over the Fourth of July holiday, but our phones have already been busy and we expect this to continue over the next couple of days. We will continue to answer out phones 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are here to help you in any way possible if you end up having a run-in with the law.
As you can see on our client testimonials page, we are ready to assist with any legal issues that occur over the Fourth of July. Don’t stay in jail due to the fact that the courts are closed on the fourth. Connect with Avery and the team at Appelman Law Firm and let us secure your release and build you an airtight defense, just like we did for the client who left this review.
“My concern was the fact that there were other licenses that I held that would’ve been greatly affected by a DWI arrest. I was given Appelman Law Firm’s number from a friend who highly recommended them. They were very patient with me and walked me through the entire process step-by-step. After retaining them, I was able to get out of jail the next day. This would normally be a hassle considering I was arrested on the Friday of 4th of July weekend. They were very informational and reassuring. In the end, all my charges were dropped due to my breath test being under the legal limit. I have known people that have hired lawyers with less experience that basically just walked in and pleaded guilty for them even though they were under the limit. This did not happen with Avery. I highly recommend Appelman Law Firm.”
Make smart decisions over the next couple days, but if something goes amiss, we’re here for you day or night. Give our team a call when you need legal assistance at (952) 224-2277. We hope you have a wonderful Fourth of July holiday!