Catalytic converter theft is on the rise in Minnesota and across the US due to a number of interrelated factors. In fact, Minnesota only trails California and Texas in terms of the number of catalytic converter thefts over the past year. Below, we take a closer look at why they are being stolen so frequently, and your legal options if you end up charged with catalytic converter theft.
Catalytic Converter Thefts In Minnesota
Catalytic converters are muffler-shaped devices that are fixed on the underside of vehicles. As a vehicle burns gas, the catalytic converter quickly breaks down the potentially harmful exhaust before it is released so that it’s less impactful on the environment. However, thieves aren’t targeting these devices because they can help save the planet. Inside these converters are highly active metals that induce chemical reactions to create less harmful emissions. These metals, like platinum, palladium and rhodium are extremely valuable. Even if there is just a small amount in the converter, it can mean a big payday for a thief.
Catalytic Converter Theft Defenses
If you’re thinking about trying to swipe one of these converters for a quick payday, think again. Due to the value of the item and the cost a person would incur to fix the damage, you can be sentenced to up to five years in jail and face a fine of up to $10,000. It’s simply not worth it for what might amount to a $300 payday on your end.
Defending this type of theft is tricky, because it’s unlikely you’ll end up with a converter in your trunk if you’re innocent. That being said, if someone told you to hold onto stolen property, you were not aware that you were in possession of stolen property, or police violated your due process rights during the course of your arrest and investigation, you may have a case.
Even if it looks like you’re caught red handed, consider working with a lawyer. We can see if there’s a deal that can be made that helps you avoid jail by performing extended community service. So if you have been charged with theft, reach out to the experienced lawyers at Appelman Law Firm and let us see what we can do for you. For a free case review, give us a call at (952) 224-2277.